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Community Service Programs

Arts and Culture
Encourages members to promote and support art and culture programs in our club and community.
Charites:  Central Florida Winds Ensemble, Space Coast Youth Orchestra, Arts 4 All

Civic Engagement and Outreach
Reminds members that each of us is part of a larger society and is responsible for undertaking actions that will create a better quality of life and foster a sense of community, locally, regionally, nationally, and globally.
Charites:  Friends of the Children of Brevard, Operation Smile, Teen Zone,Veterans Transiton Facility,
SBPD, SBFD, SB Rescue, SB Recreation, Wreaths Across America,
Operation Gratitude/USO

Education and Libraries
Foster schools as well as other educational institutions and opportunities, promote libraries,
literacy and the love of a good book.
Charites: Friends of the SB Library, Hugh O' Brien Youth Leadership (HOBY-SHS),  SHS Project Graduation,
SB Mid/HS Teacher Grants, SHS scholarship,

Preserve the world's resources, protect wildlife and domesticated animals, live sustainably,
and beautify our communities and enjoy nature.
Charites: Central Florida Humane Society, Fl Wildlife Hospital, Samson's Island,  SB Beautification, 

Health and Wellness:
Explore the various opportunites for awareness and advancement of nutrition, disease prevention,
and physical and emotional care . 
Charities:  Daily Bread,
Children's Hunger Project, Easter Seals, Habitat for Humanity, Meals on Wheels, Relay for Life-American Cancer Society, Satellite Cares, Brevard Alzheimers Association, Brevard Association for the Blind, March of Dimes

Signature Programs

Women Against Domestic Violence Abuse
The Women's Center, 

Prevent Child Abuse America
Pinwheels Against Child Abuse


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